Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Multi-Colored Coat

Joseph, in the Bible, was given a multi-colored coat. His father gave it to him as a sign of favor. That coat cost him almost everything except his life. His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. He was thrown into prison for something he didn't do. He was forgotten. Yet, in each place he went, he was given favor... and in the end he was placed second in command over a country. He saved his people from famine and certain death.

Joseph isn't the only one who has been given a multi-colored coat...

The journaling reads:
The multi-colored coat was given as a sign of love and favor...

You're a gem. -> jealousy
So uncool. -> pain
Today was not so great. -> agony
Can it get any worse than this? -> sacrifice
You should know this. -> hope
Today was a very, very happy day. -> redemption
Life is good. -> strength
Can it get any better than this?

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