Monday, July 16, 2007

Brokenness to Wholeness

Journaling reads: Brokenness to Wholeness

Picture window.
huge gaping holes.
Shards everywhere.
Pointed, shattered, sharp edges. lethal.
Painful to look at, worse to touch.
Use gloves or expect to bleed.
Cold wind whipping through.

Stained glass window.
Curved edges soddered together.
Beautiful colors.
Blues and greens morphing into peacock feathers.
Purples and oranges and golds into maple leaves.
It’s harvest time.

This was created 10/06.

This is what I have seen in my own life, because of the cross... and this is what I want to pass along to other people. Jesus makes broken, ugly, hopeless people into things of beauty, whole and with purpose. He takes the unwanted, the rejected, and the lonely, and showers His love on them filling them to overflowing.

He takes the hurt and the pain. He picks up the pieces and puts them back together and makes them into something beautiful.

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