Friday, July 6, 2007


Created 09/06, Journaling from 05/06

Journaling reads:

But it's a long way down.
But what if you miss me?
There is no place to catch myself.
I'll catch you. Jump!
Are you sure there isn't an easier way?
Don't look down, look at Me... Trust me. Jump!
So I did.

Last year in May I had an opportunity to "jump off a cliff". Suffice it to say that things got extremely ugly at work, to the point where I felt I had to leave. They had been going downhill for a few years, but finally hit a breaking point. I had no other job lined up, but figured it would find another one quickly.

I thought about it a lot before I finally made the decision to jump. What if I didn't find work? What if... (fill in the blank)? It's been very difficult and I've had some close calls, but I haven't smashed into the ground. Someone was there to catch me! :-)

I'm learning to trust Him, to take Him at His word. I had no idea the journey that jump would start. It's been over a year and I still don't have a regular job or income. But, I wouldn't trade this time for anything.

If you would like to know more, please leave me a comment.

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